প্ৰেছ বিজ্ঞপ্তি: চিকিৎসাজনিত সন্ত্ৰাস বিৰোধী দিৱস জুলাই ১৯, ২০১৬

গুৱাহাটী, ১৮ জুলাই ২০১৬: ডঃ অনামিকা ৰায় সোঁৱৰণী ন্যাসে জনাবলৈ পাই সুখী অনুভৱ কৰিছে যে ৰাষ্ট্ৰসংঘৰ মানৱাধিকাৰ পৰিষদৰ জেনেভাত অনুষ্ঠিত সাধাৰণ অধিৱেশনত 'প্ৰহৰ' নামৰ এটি বেচৰকাৰী সংস্থাৰ দ্বাৰা 'চিকিৎসা সন্ত্ৰাস' বিয়য়টো উপস্হাপন কৰা হৈছে আৰু মতামত গ্ৰহণ কৰা হৈছে ৷ ন্যাসে জুন মাহৰ ২৫ তাৰিখটো সমগ্ৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰতে 'ৰোগীৰ অধিকাৰ দিৱস' হিচাপে পালন কৰা হোৱা বাবে কৃতজ্ঞতা জ্ঞাপন কৰিছে ৷ চিকিৎসাজনিত অৱহেলাৰ চিকাৰ হোৱাসকল আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ সমৰ্থকসকলে 'ডঃ অনামিকা ৰায় সোঁৱৰণী ন্যাস, গুৱাহাটীৰ অধীনত ২০১৬ চনৰ ১৪ মেৰ পৰা 'চিকিৎসা সন্ত্ৰাস বন্ধ কৰক ' নামেৰে উন্নততৰ আৰু নিকা স্বাস্থ্যসেৱা সমগ্ৰ ভাৰততে প্ৰৱৰ্তন কৰাৰ বাবে এটি আন্দোলন আৰম্ভ কৰিছে ৷

এইটো এটা সমগ্ৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ বাবে অত্যন্ত চিন্তনীয় বিষয় যে ভাৰতত ৫২ লাখ লোক চিকিৎসাজনিত ভুল আৰু অবহেলাৰ চিকাৰ হয় আৰু প্ৰতি বছৰ ইয়াৰে ৯৮,০০০ গৰাকীয়ে প্ৰাণ হেৰুৱায় ৷ প্ৰতি বছৰে দেশখনত প্ৰায় ৩০ লাখ বছৰ স্বাস্থ্যৱান আয়ুস চিকিৎসাজনিত অৱহেলাৰ চিকাৰ হয়, যাক কোনো কাৰণতে মানি ল'ব নোৱাৰি ৷ ভাৰতত স্বাস্থ্যসেৱাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত সজাগতা বৃদ্ধি কৰা আৰু স্বাস্থ্যসেৱা উন্নত কৰাৰ বাবে এই ন্যাসে ১৯ জুলাই তাৰিখটো দেশখনৰ এগৰাকী প্ৰখ্যাৎ গণসংযোগ শিক্ষাবিদ ° অনামিকা ৰায়, যি নতুন দিল্লীৰ এখন চিকিৎসালয়ত চিকিৎসাজনিত সন্ত্ৰাসৰ বলি হৈ অকাল মৃত্যু বৰণ কৰিলে, তেখেতৰ অকাল মৃত্যুৰ স্মৃতিত ১৯ জুলাই তাৰিখটো চিকিৎসাজনিত সন্ত্ৰাস বিৰোধী দিৱস হিচাপে পালন কৰাৰ উদ্যোগ গ্ৰহণ কৰিছে ৷ দেশখনৰ বিভিন্ন প্ৰান্তৰ উপৰিও ঢাকা আৰু কলম্বোটো এই দিৱস পালন কৰা হ'ব ৷ অসমত, ১৯ জুলাইত আনুষ্ঠানিক ভাৱে গুৱাহাটীৰ দিঘলী পুখুৰী পাৰ আৰু শিৱসাগৰৰ দৌলমুখ চাৰিআলিত ভাৰতত চিকিৎসা সেৱা উন্নত কৰাৰ বাবে চাকি জ্বলাই প্ৰতীকী প্ৰতিবাদ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব ৷

ৰাজ্য চৰকাৰ আৰু কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰৰ ওচৰত চলিত চিকিৎসা ব্যৱস্থাৰ উন্নীতকৰণ বিচাৰি দাৱী উত্থাপন কৰাৰ বাবে দহ দফীয়া এখন তালিকা প্ৰস্তুত কৰি উলিয়াইছে ৷ দাবীসমূহৰ ভিতৰত আছে চিকিৎসালয় চৌহদক স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় কেমেৰাৰ নিৰীক্ষণত ৰখা, আই চি ইউৰ মনিটৰিঙৰ ব্যৱস্হা কৰা, অন্তৰ্বিভাগৰ চিকিৎসা নথি বা টিকেট উপলব্ধ কৰা, সকলো অস্ত্ৰোপচাৰৰ ৰেকৰ্ডিং কৰা, অৱহেলা বিষয়যত দ্ৰুত কাৰ্যব্যৱস্থা গ্ৰহণ, জেনেৰিক মেডিচিন লিখা, চিকিৎসাৰ লগত জড়িত নীতি অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰা, চিকিৎসা চলি থকা কালত ৰোগী-চিকিৎসকৰ মাজৰ ভাবৰ আদান প্ৰদান কৰা, পেৰামেডিকেল ষ্টাফৰ কৰ্মকুশলতা বৃদ্ধি কৰা, চিকিৎসাজনিত ভুল আৰু অবহেলা সম্বলিত নথি সংৰক্ষণৰ ব্যৱস্থাৰ বিকাশ সাধন কৰা ইত্যাদি ৷ ১৯ জুলাই (মঙ্গলবাৰ) সন্ধিয়া নিজৰ বাসগৃহৰ সমুখত এগচি চাকি বা মমবাতি জ্বলাই 'চিকিৎসাজনিত সন্ত্ৰাস বুৰোধী দিৱস' পালন কৰাৰ বাবে ন্যাসে সকলোকে আহ্বান জনাইছে ৷

ন্যাসে পুনৰাই কৈছে যে এই আন্দোলনৰ উদ্যেশ্য হৈছে সংসদীয় ব্যৱস্থাৰ মাজেৰে দেশখনৰ স্বাস্থ্যসেৱাৰ মান উন্নত কৰা আৰু লক্ষ্য হ'ল এক প্ৰণালীবদ্ধ পৰিবৰ্তন ৷ এয়া এক দীঘলীয়া আৰু কঠিন লক্ষ্য কিন্তু এই আন্দোলন ইয়াত কৃতকাৰ্য হ'বলৈ বদ্ধপৰিকৰ যাতে চিকিৎসা সন্ত্ৰাসৰ বলিসকলে ন্যায় লাভ কৰিব পাৰে , যাতে যিসকল চিকিৎসকে নিজৰ কৰ্মেৰে এটি পৰিবৰ্তন আনিব বিচাৰে তেওঁলোকৰ বাবে এয়া উজু হৈ পৰে আৰু যাতে চিকিৎসাসেৱী আৰু ৰোগীৰ মাজত গভীৰ আৰু বিবেচনাকৃত বিশ্বাসৰ সম্পৰ্ক গঢ়ি উঠে ৷ ন্যাসে জনসাধাৰণলৈ আহ্বান জনায় যাতে তেওঁলোকে বিপথে পৰিচালিত কৰা, পথচ্যুতি কৰা বিতৰ্কৰ দ্বাৰা চালিত নহৈ এই আন্দোলনলৈ সমৰ্থন আগবঢ়ায় ৷

Press Release (English): Anti Medical Terrorism Day on July 19, 2016

Press Release
Anti Medical Terrorism Day on July 19, 2016

Guwahati: 18 July 2016: The Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust feels happy that the issue of “Medical Terrorism” has been placed and deliberated at the 32nd general session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations, Geneva recently by an NGO named Prahar.  The Trust also conveys gratitude for observing Patients’ Rights Day nationally on June 25.  A nationwide movement named “STOP MEDICAL TERRORISM” has been initiated by a group of victims of medical negligence and their supporters under the platform of the Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust, Guwahati from May 14, 2016 demanding better and transparent health care services in India.

It is a matter of serious concern for the entire nation that about 52 lakh medical injuries are recorded in India, of which around 98,000 people lose their lives every year. Approximately 30 lakh years of healthy life are lost in the country each year due to medical negligence, which is not acceptable at any cost. To create awareness and improve the condition of healthcare services in India, the Trust has decided to observe Anti-Medical Terrorism Day on July 19 to commemorate the untimely demise of Dr. Anamika Ray, a renowned media educator of the country, who had her life's lights snuffed out too early due to utter medical negligence, nay, medical terrorism, in a hospital in New Delhi. This day will be observed in many parts of the country and even in Dhaka and Colombo. In Assam, a candle light demonstration has been organised at Dighali Pukhuri in Guwahati and at Daulamukh Chariali of Sivasagar town on the evening of July 19 as a symbolic protest to improve the healthcare services in India.

The trust has prepared a list of ten points as demands to the state and union governments for improving the present healthcare condition of the country. The demands include CCTV surveillance in the hospital premises, ICU monitoring facility, availability of the indoor case file or ticket, recording of surgery, prompt action towards negligence issues, prevention of laboratory nexus, prescription of generic medicine, incorporation of a course on medical ethics and communication between doctor-patients in the medical programme, development of the skills of paramedical staff,  development of record-keeping mechanism on the cases pertaining to medical error and negligence, etc.  The Trust urges all to observe Anti Medical Terrorism Day by lighting a candle in front of their residence on the evening of July 19 (Tuesday).

The Trust reiterates that the purpose of the movement is to bring about improvement in health care services in the country through legislation aimed at systemic changes. It is a distant and difficult goal but the movement is determined to succeed so that victims of Medical Terrorism can find justice, so that doctors who wish to and are trying to make a difference through their actions can do so with greater ease, and so that there is greater and justified trust in the relationship between medical professionals and patients. The Trust urges the public not to be swayed by divertive and misleading arguments and to support the movement. To support the movement launched by this Trust, any supporter can type JOIN ATRUST and ‘SMS’ it to 9220092200 or give a missed call to 02262116842.

Demands for Better and Transparent Healthcare Services in India


Demands for better and transparent healthcare services in India

1. A hospital, whether it is government or private, must be entirely under CCTV surveillance and the recorded footage should be kept by the hospital management for a period of 100 days with utmost care so that the visuals cannot be misused for any unlawful purpose. In case of complaint of medical negligence/malpractice, the relevant electronic data should be handed over as a part of the medical record.

2. There should be monitors outside the ICU and in the patients’ waiting hall displaying the interior of the ICU. Web based access of this should be provided to the patients’ nearest relatives under due receipt with unique ID. 3. A photocopy of the indoor case file or bed head ticket should be provided along with the discharge/ death summary for any hospitalized patient. The time to time record of any hospitalized patient should be available online for monitoring by the patient’s family through a password protected account.

4. The full recording of all surgery must be handed over to the patient along with the discharge summary.

5. If any medical negligence or malpractice is lodged in any police station, the police must immediately seize the indoor case file or bed head ticket and forward the case to the Medical Council. The State Council must complete the preliminary enquiry within 10 days and if found there is negligence, the Council should immediately stop the practice of alleged practitioner till the final judgment is made by a competent authority.

6. No medical practitioner should ask any patient to have the medical examinations done in their preferred laboratory.

7. Medical practitioners should prescribe medicines with generic names.

8. A paper on medical ethics and doctor-patient communication should be incorporated in all medical courses.

9. Paramedical staff should acquire proper license for practicing in hospitals and laboratories based on education and skills from a recognized authority.

10. The state and union governments should develop a record-keeping mechanism on the cases pertaining to medical error and negligence.

Stop Medical Terrorism is a campaign for better and transparent healthcare services in India.

Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust urges the public not to be swayed by divertive and misleading arguments and to support the movement. The Trust, a registered educational and charitable non-profit organization, is dedicated towards the upliftment of research and other development activities in the field of media, education, healthcare, ethnic community, open and distance learning, communication for development and other related areas of media and social sciences. The Trust aspires to uphold the diverse languages and literature of the South Asian region, along with promoting skills development among the students and young learners. It encourages and supports production of educational and informational films and documentaries. The Trust operates with the ideology of serving and developing the various ethnic groups or the marginalized communities of the South Asian region through numerous charitable work and assistance to the needy. The work conducted by the Trust extends to the field of environment, mental health, medical negligence/malpractice, gender issues, child care, labour welfare, youth affairs and culture, as well.

Observing Anti-Medical Terrorism Day on 19th July, 2016

Please observe Anti-Medical Terrorism Day by lighting a candle in the evening on 19th July, 2016 Tuesday in front of your residence for better and transparent healthcare services in India. Kindly click on the Image to View it in a Large Size

Remembering Dr. Anamika Ray

19th July. It still strikes my mind with terrible disbelief as how life poses some of the most unexpected and unfortunate circumstances. The untimely death of Dr Anamika Roy was one such. It was a Cultural Studies class in Cotton College when I first met her and from then on she remained a beloved teacher. Dr Anamika Roy hailed from West Bengal but in course of time she soaked herself wholeheartedly into the Assamese culture. After completing her post graduate studies she came to Guwahati for the first time in 2005 to pursue her research on traditional communication methods among the Karbis of Karbi Anglong and Kamrup. In 2010 she achieved her Doctoral degree from the prestigious Visva Bharati University and that most certainly was her very first contribution to Assamese life. Dr Roy had huge number of research papers to her credit on Assamese mass media published in several international journals and some fifty papers she had read in various national and international seminars. It is quite notable that none of her research works concerned the place she originally belonged to. Collaborating with her husband Dr Ankuran Dutta she wrote two books for the Mass Communication students of Assam Janasamparka(2008) and Biggyapon (2010) both of which were published by Bina Library. Dr Roy had translated a book on science communication into Assamese and Bengali during the period 2008-09.

The most impressive aspect about Dr Roy was her personality and the intensity with which she loved the Assamese language and culture. She mastered the Assamese language in no time and started writing valuable articles and books. She was a regular contributor to Employment News, The Assam Tribune, The Sentinel and so on. The kind of sincerity and responsibility that she felt for the Assamese language and culture led her to translating four books of Assamese literature into Bengali in an attempt to disseminate the sheer beauty of Assamese literature. She translated the much loved novel Asimat Jaar Heral Sima, Mribal Talukdar's 1962 into Bengali, both these two works are on its way to be published. Moreover, she completed translating Lakshminath Bezbaroa's Mor Jiwon Xowaran and Dr Bhupen Hazarika's Moi Eti Jajabor she had planned to complete by the end of July. Who knew destiny had some other plan for her that put an end to everything she might have planned to do. How much energy should a person put to accomplish things she is passionate about? Dr Roy was engaged in more than ten projects at the same time. Dr Roy was a dedicated educator with a noble heart. There have been numerous instances when she even helped students financially. For an orphanage at Jalukbari she took entire responsibilities to teach the students English so much so she engaged one of her own students with a salary from her own pocket.

From June 2006 onwards Dr Roy got herself consistently engaged in media education in Assam. She gad taught in the Media study centre of Cotton College, Gauhati University and Sikkim Central University. It is utterly heart-breaking to write this on her death anniversary. Her passion, creativity and nobility towards media education in Assam will remain incomparable.In an unusual case of medical negligence Dr Roy lost her life. May there be asequate evaluation of her works, may there be proper justice to her unfortunate death. Assam will forever keep you in its heart, ma'am! May you rest in eternal peace!

Author: Daisy Barman